Kizuna Abilities Magician

  • It will unlock after reaching 1st book Chapter 4 (Lake of Sand).
  • Enough cost is needed to set Kizuna.
  • How to set Kizuna?: from Arcana, click the small box written "empty" then click the word 決定 to set.

Stats Up Type

Increase Attack/Decrease the damage taken

Arcana NameEffectCost
Escha Increase attack(5%) and Skill's power(3%)4
Filiana Increase attack(3%) and decrease the damage taken(3%)4
Shiroe Increase attack(5%) and movement speed. Invincible against Slow state4
Solity Increase attack(6%) and movement speed4
Mefulnash Decrease the damage taken(%?) and will be strong against fire attacks(?%)4

Increase long range attack

Ael Gurun Increase long range attack(8.8%)4

Increase movement speed

Claudia Increase Skill's power(5%) and increase the movement speed4
Solity Increase attack(6%) and movement speed4
Shiroe Increase attack(5%) and movement speed. Invincible against Slow state4

Increase damage while at melee

Katya Turns the Melee attack as own's power(applies to Arcana that poor at using Melee attack)4
Hatii Turns the Melee attack as own's power(applies to Arcana that poor at using Melee attack)4
Robin Turns the Melee attack as own's power(applies to Arcana that poor at using Melee attack)4

Inflict Status Ailment

Velnar Chance to inflict Daze4
Islem Chance to freeze the enemy and decrease the damage taken from ice attacks4

Increase Skill's power

Helicity Increase Skill's power, Increase attack when the battlefield is Sea side, and decrease the damage taken4
Claudia Increase Skill's power(5%) and increase the movement speed4
Escha Increase attack(3%) and Increase Skill's power(5%)4
Cheery Increase Skill's power(12%)4
Yuni Increase Skill's power(5%) and decrease the damage taken from ice attacks4
Aludra Increase Skill's power(5%) and bring 1 mana(purple) before the battle starts4
Wilbell Increase Skill's power(8%)4

Pierce Long range attack

Inami Pierce Long range attack(power=22%)4

Increase attack when in said location

Helicity Increase Skill's power, Increase attack when the battlefield is Sea side, and decrease the damage taken4

Heal Type

Heals every turn

Rasphia Heals own HP(15%) every wave4
Karen Heals own HP(15%) every wave3
Brewery Heals(15%) the HP of Ally that has lowest HP4

Drains HP

Shuure Heals the 4% of the damage dealt4

Support Type

Activate when in sub

Flaw Increase the attack(3%) of the team when in sub4

Nullifies Status Ailments

Shiroe Increase attack(5%) and movement speed. Invincible against Slow state4

Strong against fire/ice

Chiwa Decrease the damage taken from ice/fire attacks4
Islem Chance to freeze the enemy and decrease the damage taken from ice attacks4
Isabel Decrease the damage taken from ice attacks and bring 1 mana before the battle starts4
Yuni Increase Skill's power(5%) and decrease the damage taken from ice attacks4
Mefulnash Decrease the damage taken(%?) and will be strong against fire attacks(?%)4


Isabel Decrease the damage taken from ice attacks and bring 1 mana(purple) before the battle starts4
Aludra Increase Skill's power(5%) and bring 1 mana(purple) before the battle starts4
Hatifas More likely to gain 2 or more mana from mana slots4
Sapo More likely to gain 2 or more mana from mana slots4

Increase the drop of Treasure box

Misty Increase the drop of Treasure box4

Increase gold

Maou Increase Gold(20%) and exp(6%) from battle4

Increase exp

Maou Increase Gold(20%) and exp(6%) from battle4





必ず「Gamerch ガイドライン」をご覧の上、書き込みをお願いします。












2016/01/01 (金) 09:21

2015/09/19 (土) 19:31

2015/08/13 (木) 04:35

2015/07/16 (木) 11:44

2015/07/16 (木) 08:47

2015/07/16 (木) 08:45

2015/06/23 (火) 18:08

2015/06/20 (土) 13:21

2015/04/22 (水) 13:59

2015/04/21 (火) 20:03

2015/04/16 (木) 21:12

2015/04/14 (火) 22:57

2015/04/14 (火) 22:33

2015/04/14 (火) 22:15

2015/04/14 (火) 21:42

2015/03/26 (木) 09:59

2015/03/26 (木) 09:57

2015/03/26 (木) 09:30

2015/03/26 (木) 09:19

2015/03/26 (木) 09:16

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